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Introducing Diptic 6.2

We're excited to release Diptic 6.2, which includes crash fixes, as well as a few new features and updates to improve the overall user experience.

Here's what you'll see in Diptic 6.2:

• You can now fill empty frames with color. Woohoo!
Introducing Diptic 6.2• Easier to zoom into photos without unintentionally rotating them.
• Ability to disable the Diptic photo album.
• Crash fixes.
• Fix for gray background in JPG export.
• We added a reset and an FAQ button. This will make it easier to get in-app help and clear all of your settings and photos.

Introducing Diptic 6.2If you have any questions or comments about this update or Diptic in general, please contact us via Facebook or Twitter, or email us at support@dipticapp.com. We’re always looking for ways to improve Diptic and value your opinions.

Happy Diptic’ing!