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Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

Source: Created by @troyaynes, winner of the Layover My Diptic Contest.

Have you ever seen a Diptic like this? It appears as though the images are "coming out" of the frames, and it looks pretty awesome. Awesome? Yes. Difficult to achieve? No! Follow these six steps and you'll impress your friends with your mobile photography skills in no time.

1. Create a Diptic and import the same photo into two frames, creating a Split Diptic. Line the images up so they look like one image separated by the frame line. Export and save it to your device.Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

2. Open a photo-blending app (we use our app Layover, which costs $.99 in the iTunes Store) and import the original photo into the first layer.Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

3. Import the Split Diptic into the second layer.Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

4. From the Split Diptic layer, use the Mask feature and erase part of the white frame that separates the two pictures, letting the first layer show through. Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

5. Keep erasing until you achieve the desired effect. Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

6. From the Split Diptic layer, export the image.Diptic Pro Tip #2: Breaking the Frame

There you have it -- six simple steps to take your Diptics to the next level! That doesn't seem so difficult, right? Shoot us an email at support@dipticapp.com or contact us on Facebook or Twitter if you have questions.